Company Overview
Sugar Factory planted in Barren area. Then with Devotees Sankalpa it Rained so heavily in that particular area that now there is a Dam there. Sadguru Sri Sri Sakhar Karkhana sets an example to the society about the environment of Sugar Industry in India .People from different areas of interest coming together and setting up this factory gives this factory an innovative touch.
Salient Features
- Promoters are amalgamation of group with more than 100 years of cumulative experience desired by such enterprise , related to management , civil , agriculture , electrical and machinery.
- Successful entrepreneurs with awarded achievements in diverse fields.
- A close association with Sri Sri Agriculture –international organisation , brings in worldwide experience for sustainable farming and community developments.
- Platform for exchange and implementation of these programs in the factory catchment areas.
- Systems implementation & carefully selected experienced and trained staff that will guarantee high uptime of the processes in the factory.
- Active contributions from renowned business houses.
- Because of their background, the founders relate to the rural community that they represent.
- Ability to develop required technology on their own
- Blessings from HH Sri Sri Ravi Shanker, and continued faith in his philosophy and ideals.
- No caste or creed, or political barriers. The only motive is to strive for the welfare of the poor and rural population.
- Ability to bring in a totally new perspective to the Sugar Industry, which is evident from the successful track record of the existing businesses of the founder.
- Besides producing Sugar, the founders also share the vision to support businesses that are aligned with the Sugar Industry. They are eager to bring in new technologies to support these businesses. Build a state-of-the-art medical facility.
- Plans to invest into Power Generation plants; nation's most critical need at this point of time.
- Use of Energy efficient designs and equipment to reduce steam and electricity consumption.
- Centrally Automated Plant with state of art Distributed Control System(DCS) for efficient operations of the plant at optimum costs.
- A Zero Effluent Discharge (ZED) scheme to ensure pollution free environment and to ensure strict compliance to statutory norms.
- Production of high grade bio-compost (organic fertilizer) to improve the cultivability of nearby land .
- Employment generation for deserving local candidates, once the sugar factory resumes operations at full lode.
- Encouragement to small scale ancillaries in the nearby areas, resulting in industrial and economic upliftment of the region.
- Spreading awareness through educative programs for local farmers on scientific approach to farming.
- Reduce water consumption through maximum recycling and effective treatment of waste water.
- To give the information to the farmers of the development of sugarcane plantation, By using the computers
- According to the rule of Nationalize bank the interest will be given depending on the amount of the share of the member.
- Sugar , Mali and golipend produced in the factory will be given to the members at discounted rate.
- Primary and Secondary schools & an Educational Institute will be constructed at the factory site which includes Arts, Science, Commerce , Engineering college, Industrial training center & Agricultural degree courses.
- The children of the members will get concession in the educational fee structure.
- By Implementation of the Borewell scheme in the factory area , the maximum area will be covered under wet land .

�Based on the teachings of Guruji, Business and humanity should go hand in hand. So we will create a highly professional and successful business with social objects. We will achieve the goal of self sufficient villages around our vicinity of 4 talukas and Three districts. Our major programs will be organic farming using Desi cow, Drip irrigation, Multi cropping, Desi seeds, women empowerment.�
Mr. Narra Seshagiri Rao

�Sugar Industry is model example which shows the possibilities of improvements and methods by which the Rural Indian Economy can be developed and flourished. However today it needs to strengthen itself many ways to continue this role.
We at SSSSKL will amalgamate the professionalism and austerity along with the social responsibility to rejuvenate this sector for rural India. We believe that this not only can be highly profitable business for investors but can become impulse for all round prosperity of the people in the area. �
We at SSSSKL will amalgamate the professionalism and austerity along with the social responsibility to rejuvenate this sector for rural India. We believe that this not only can be highly profitable business for investors but can become impulse for all round prosperity of the people in the area. �
Mr. Uday Jadhav